Answer :

To simplify the product [tex]\((3 + \sqrt{7})(3 - \sqrt{7})\)[/tex], we'll use the difference of squares formula, which states:

[tex]\[ (a + b)(a - b) = a^2 - b^2 \][/tex]

In this case, let [tex]\( a = 3 \)[/tex] and [tex]\( b = \sqrt{7} \)[/tex]. Applying the formula:

[tex]\[ (3 + \sqrt{7})(3 - \sqrt{7}) = 3^2 - (\sqrt{7})^2 \][/tex]

First, calculate [tex]\( 3^2 \)[/tex]:

[tex]\[ 3^2 = 9 \][/tex]

Next, calculate [tex]\((\sqrt{7})^2\)[/tex]:

[tex]\[ (\sqrt{7})^2 = 7 \][/tex]

Now, substitute these values back into the formula:

[tex]\[ (3 + \sqrt{7})(3 - \sqrt{7}) = 9 - 7 \][/tex]

Finally, perform the subtraction:

[tex]\[ 9 - 7 = 2 \][/tex]

Thus, the simplified product [tex]\((3 + \sqrt{7})(3 - \sqrt{7})\)[/tex] is:

[tex]\[ \boxed{2} \][/tex]