1. ¿Qué importancia tuvo la Biblia en la vida de San Jerónimo?
2. ¿Cómo puedes darle más importancia a la Palabra de Dios en tu propia vida?


"Cuando encontraba tus palabras, yo las devoraba; tus palabras eran mi delicia y la alegría de mi corazón, porque he sido consagrado a tu nombre, Señor, Dios poderoso" (Jeremías 15,16).

Answer :

Final answer:

San Jerónimo valued the Bible highly and translated it into Latin. To emphasize the importance of the Word of God in your life, daily scripture reading, study groups, and living by its teachings are recommended.


San Jerónimo, also known as Saint Jerome, had a significant importance of the Bible in his life as he dedicated himself to translating the Bible into Latin.

To give more importance to the Word of God in your own life, you can prioritize daily scripture reading, engage in Bible study groups, seek spiritual guidance from church leaders, and apply the teachings of the Bible in your daily actions and decisions.

Understanding the impactful role of the Bible in the life of San Jerónimo can inspire you to deepen your own spiritual connection through the Word of God.

Learn more about Importance of the Bible in the life of San Jerónimo here: