Answer :

To express 15 minutes as a percentage of an hour, we need to follow these steps:

1. Identify the total number of minutes in an hour:
- We know that 1 hour is equivalent to 60 minutes.

2. Determine the fraction of the hour that 15 minutes represents:
- To do this, divide the number of minutes (15 minutes) by the total number of minutes in an hour (60 minutes).

[tex]\[ \text{Fraction of the hour} = \frac{15 \text{ minutes}}{60 \text{ minutes}} \][/tex]

3. Convert the fraction to a percentage:
- To convert the fraction into a percentage, multiply the fraction by 100.

[tex]\[ \text{Percentage} = \left( \frac{15 \text{ minutes}}{60 \text{ minutes}} \right) \times 100 \][/tex]

4. Simplify and calculate the percentage:
- Perform the division first:

[tex]\[ \frac{15}{60} = 0.25 \][/tex]

- Then multiply by 100 to convert to percentage:

[tex]\[ 0.25 \times 100 = 25 \% \][/tex]

So, 15 minutes is 25% of an hour.

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