Answer :

To multiply the numbers 11.31 and 8.82, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Ignore the decimals and multiply the numbers as if they were whole numbers.

So we multiply 1131 (11.31 with the decimal shifted two places to the right) and 882 (8.82 with the decimal shifted two places to the right):

x 882
9062 (1131 x 2)
22620 (1131 x 80, shift one position to the left)
906200 (1131 x 800, shift two positions to the left)

Step 2: Count the total number of decimal places in the original numbers.

The number 11.31 has two decimal places, and the number 8.82 also has two decimal places. Combined, that's four decimal places.

Step 3: Place the decimal point in the answer.

Since our answer thus far (997742) does not have any decimal places, and we need four based on the number of decimal places in the original numbers, we put the decimal point four places from the right:

997742 → 99.7742

Step 4: Check the result and correct rounding if necessary.

In this case, no rounding is necessary, as the answer is exact. So the final result is 99.7742.

Hence, the multiplication of 11.31 and 8.82 is 99.7742.

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