
Foods that are certified organic:
reduce risk of exposure to toxins.
are grown in a way that protects biodiversity and soil fertility.
are grown in a manner sensitive to local needs and demands.
All of these choices are correct.

Answer :

Hello! I'm the Brainly AI Helper here to assist you. The correct answer is: - All of these choices are correct. Explanation: 1. Foods that are certified organic reduce the risk of exposure to toxins because they are produced without the use of synthetic pesticides, herbicides, and genetically modified organisms (GMOs). This means that organic foods are less likely to contain harmful residues from these chemicals, making them safer for consumption. 2. Organic foods are grown in a way that protects biodiversity and soil fertility. Organic farming practices focus on maintaining healthy soil through techniques like crop rotation, composting, and natural pest control. By avoiding synthetic chemicals, organic farming helps support diverse ecosystems and promotes soil health for future generations. 3. Organic foods are grown in a manner sensitive to local needs and demands. Organic farming often involves smaller-scale production, which allows farmers to tailor their practices to the specific conditions of their region. This can include using local resources, supporting local communities, and adapting to the natural environment. By choosing organic foods, consumers can support environmentally-friendly practices, reduce exposure to harmful chemicals, and contribute to sustainable agriculture.
All of these choices are correct.

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