
Click to review the online content. Then answer the question(s) below, using complete sentences. Scroll down to view additional questions.
Online Content: Site 1
Identify the relationships between the zooxanthellae and the hard coral, the remora and the manta ray, the tiger shark and the green sea
turtle, and the dolphin and the school of trevallies and state why you chose that relationship. The relationships will be predation, competition,
commensalism, or mutualism. (Site 1)

Answer :

Based on the relationships described: 1. Zooxanthellae and hard coral: Mutualism. Zooxanthellae live inside the tissues of hard corals, providing them with essential nutrients through photosynthesis, while the coral offers protection and a habitat for the zooxanthellae. 2. Remora and manta ray: Commensalism. Remoras attach themselves to manta rays using a suction disc on their head, gaining protection and transportation benefits without significantly impacting the manta ray. 3. Tiger shark and green sea turtle: Predation. Tiger sharks prey on green sea turtles as part of their diet, illustrating a predator-prey relationship. 4. Dolphin and school of trevallies: Mutualism. Dolphins work cooperatively with schools of trevallies to herd and catch fish, benefiting both species through increased hunting success.

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