Question 2(Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)
(06.01 LC)
Which of the following narrative techniques does not affect the pacing of a narrative?
O Dialogue
O Juxtaposition
O Sentence length

Answer :

In the context of narrative techniques, the element that does not directly impact the pacing of a narrative is dialogue. Dialogue is the conversation between characters in a story and serves to reveal character traits, advance the plot, and provide information. While dialogue can contribute to the overall flow and rhythm of a narrative, it does not inherently control the pacing in the same way as other techniques. On the other hand, techniques like flashbacks, juxtaposition, and sentence length can significantly affect the pacing of a narrative: 1. Flashback: This technique involves interjecting scenes from the past into the present narrative. It can slow down the pacing by providing context, background information, or character development that interrupts the main storyline. 2. Juxtaposition: Juxtaposition is the placement of two contrasting elements side by side to highlight their differences. This technique can create tension, suspense, or emphasize thematic contrasts, influencing the speed at which the narrative unfolds. 3. Sentence Length: Varying sentence lengths can impact the pacing of a narrative. Short, concise sentences can quicken the pace and create a sense of urgency, while longer, descriptive sentences may slow it down by providing detailed imagery and reflection. By understanding how each of these techniques functions within a narrative, you can better analyze how pacing is controlled and manipulated to engage readers effectively.

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