Canadian Inuit face health problems related to high levels of what contaminant in sea
O a. methane
O b. mercurial triphenyls
O c. polychlorinated biphenyls
Od. diestrogen polychromate

Answer :

Canadian Inuit face health problems related to high levels of what contaminant in sea mammals? The correct answer is: c. polychlorinated biphenyls Explanation: 1. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are toxic chemicals that were used in various industrial applications, including electrical equipment, before they were banned due to their harmful effects on human health and the environment. 2. These chemicals can accumulate in the fatty tissues of marine animals, including sea mammals that are traditional foods for the Inuit community in Canada's Arctic regions. 3. When Canadian Inuit consume contaminated sea mammals, they are at risk of exposure to high levels of PCBs, which can lead to various health problems such as reproductive issues, neurological disorders, and immune system suppression. 4. Therefore, the presence of polychlorinated biphenyls in sea mammals is a significant health concern for Canadian Inuit populations.

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