What role did the United States play in the Vietnam War? A) The U.S. did not get involved, as they wanted to remain on good terms with Vietnam. B) President Lyndon Johnson convinced Congress to declare war against Vietnam. C) The U.S. became involved because they feared that other countries would fall to communism like dominoes. D) The U.S. only supported the war by supplying military weapons.

Answer :

The US role played in the Vietnam War was C. The US became involved because they feared that other countries would fall to communism like dominoes. The Vietnam War was the longest war fought by the US in its history until the War in Afghanistan surpassed it recently. Involvement began slowly at first but gradually ramped up resulting in a widespread feeling of war weariness in the US where activists began to actively oppose war efforts and speak out against involvement on the whole.


The United States provided supplies and military observers to France.


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