In Old Yeller: When does Mrs. Coates first demonstrate that she recognizes Travis is taking on his father's role?

  A. when Mrs. Coates yells at Travis after she finds out he started a rock fight with little Arliss

  B. when Travis goes deer hunting because Mrs. Coates says they need to replace the meat the stray dog ate

  C. when Mrs. Coates tells little Arliss to do what his brother says after Travis yells at him for playing in the drinking water

  D. when Travis helps Mrs. Coates figure out how to keep Old Yeller from stealing food from the other settlers

Answer :

it is C. I love this book so much and i had the same question this book is so amzing you should really read the book and it is amzing how much you will learn about a "stray" dog and a boy 

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