Suppose the population of a town is 15,200 and is growing 2% each year. Write an equation to model the population growth. Predict the population after 10 years

Answer :

1.       So the current population of the town is 15 200 and is growing per year with 2%.
Find the population number after 10 years.
First, let’s find the value of 2%  in decimal form
=> 2/100
=> 0.02

Now, let’s try to solve
Population = 15 200 ( 1 + (0.02 x 10) )
Population = 15 200 ( 1 + 0.2 )
Population = 15 200 + 3040
Population =  18 240
Thus, in 10 years, the town’s population will increase to 18 240.


The equation model is P = Po * e^rt

The population after 10 years = 18, 559 (most approximately)

Step-by-step explanation:

We use formula to find the population growth.

P = Po * e^rt

Where P is the total population after t years

Po is the initial population

r = rate of growth

t = time

e = 2.71 [Euler number]

The equation model is P = Po * e^rt

Now to find the population after 10 years, we have to plug in the given values in the formula.


Po = 15, 200, r = 2% = 2/100 = 0.02, and t = 10 years

P = 15,200*e^0.02(10)

P = 15,200*2.71^0.2

P = 15,200 *1.221

P = 18, 559

Therefore, the population after 10 years = 18, 559 (most approximately)

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