Patricia is separating 16 soccer cards and 22 baseball cards into groups.Each group will have the same number of cards ,and each group will have only one kind of sports card.what is the greatest number of cards she can put in each group?how many groups of each type will there be

Answer :

There would be 2 groups. The greatest amount in each pile is 2 cards.

Answer: There are 8 soccer cards and 11 baseball cards.

Step-by-step explanation:

Since we have given that

Number of soccer cards = 16

Number of baseball = 22

We need to greatest number of cards she can put in each group.

So, H.C.F. of 16 and 22 = 2

Hence, there are 2 cards she can put in each group.

Number of groups of soccer cards is given by


Number of groups of baseball cards is given by


Hence, there are 8 soccer cards and 11 baseball cards.

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