• Life Sciences / Project Grade 11 Page 2 of 3 NSC Limpopo DoE/ May 2024 INSTRUCTIONS AND INFORMATION THIS PROJECT CONSISTS OF TWO PARTS. PART 2 The Research data page will be given to you to complete as follows: • Gathering of data The teacher will assist you in interpreting the gathered data Stipulated time of TWO weeks must be adhered to. Submit your draft report during the course of TWO weeks for corrections. Final report is due on the 31st of May 2024 TOPICS ASSESSED: PHOTOSYNTHESIS AND RESPIRATION Please look at the rubric to see how you will be assessed on the research. Research Topic Investigate if there is a relationship that exist between photosynthesis and cellular respiration. The following are the objectives of the research project: An introduction that shows that these are two different biological processes. Identify the key molecules and organelles of the two processes. Investigate the biological importance of each process and how each process sustains life in the planet. Establish the relationship between cellular respiration and photosynthesis. Relevant conclusion The correct use of references Submit YOUR report with a title page, which contains a title and your name. Your research must also contain a list of all resources used.

Life Sciences Project Grade 11 Page 2 of 3 NSC Limpopo DoE May 2024 INSTRUCTIONS AND INFORMATION THIS PROJECT CONSISTS OF TWO PARTS PART 2 The Research data pa class=

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