Select the correct text in the passage
Which sentence in this excerpt from Henry David Thoreau's "Civil Disobedience" implicitly argues that people need to think independently and question
I believe that the State will soon be able to take all my work of this sort out of my hands, and then I shall be no better a patriot than my fellow-countrymen
Seen from a lower point of view, the Constitution, with all its faults, is very good, the law and the courts are very respectable, even this State and this
American government are, in many respects, very admirable and rare things, to be thankful for, such as a great many have described them; but seen from
a point of view a little higher, they are what I have described them, seen from a higher still, and the highest, who shall say what they are, or that they are
worth looking at or thinking of at all?
However, the government does not concem me much, and I shall bestow the fewest possible thoughts on it. It is not many moments that I live under a
government, even in this world. If a man is thought-free, fancy-free, imagination-free, that which is not never for a long time appearing to be to him, unwise
rulers or reformers cannot fatally interrupt him.

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