You work for Georgia Hospital Inc., a for-profit hospital who owns multiple subsidiaries specializing in various fields: From emergency rooms, pathology, research and development, etc. One of the companies, Georgia Hospital Subsidiary, Inc., contracts with the CDC to send out personnel to test various environmental hazards. Recently, an anonymous tip was received that a river was polluted with an unknown solution at an unknown concentration. The CDC has contracted you out to determine a practical procedure(s) for determining the macromolecule. You have all of the following tests available to you, which ones should you use to determine what is in the river?
a. KMnO4 test
b. CuSO4 test
c. Sudan IV test
d. lodine test
e. Culture a sample from the river
f. Gram-stain a sample from the river
g. Form a hypothesis about what is in the river
h. Put the sample through agarose gel and meausre distance travelled
i. Put the sample through the spectrophotometer
j. Dilute the sample (if OD>1 ), then put through the spectrophotometer
k. Measure diffusion rate via a dialysis bag
l. Perform a western blot Measure the ZOI
m. View the sample under the microscope